About Signpost

Services for prisoners
and the homeless

Services for prisoners and the homeless

Why Signpost?

There are hundreds of organisations – public services, charities and private companies – that offer services to people leaving prison or who are homeless. The issue is: How do people find the help that is available?

Signpost is the answer! It pulls together information about all the services that people need into one place. It starts by asking people what they want help with, searches its database and selects information which is relevant to their needs.

Who is Signpost for?

Signpost has been designed for those leaving prison or who are homeless and who don't have access to technology. Chaplaincy teams, Probation Officers, Key Workers, Charity Volunteers, and Mentors can ask the people they support to tell them which services they are interested in, and then use Signpost to produce a printed list of services that can help them. See the home page for paper forms that can be used to capture information.

For a one page introduction to Signpost click here.

The Benefits of Signpost:

About the Services listed by Signpost:

Who Supports Signpost?

Signpost was set up in response to seeing a prison chaplain being asked for help from prisoners and wondering how he was going to find the information he needed to help them. Involvement with a homeless charity suggested that they had a similar issue. The site was launched in 2020.

Signpost has details of 1500 organisations on its database. Over 200 of these operate Nationwide so you will find help anywhere in England and Wales. Local information is available for Greater London, The North East, Greater Manchester, and Norfolk.

If you would like to volunteer to collect information from your own area then please email loading email....

We would welcome your feedback on Signpost.

Click here to fill out a quick survey (opens in another window).

Thank you.

Disclaimer: Signpost has gathered this information from public sources. It provides no guarantee as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information or the quality of the services described. Contact the service providers for information about their services.

If you find any information that is incorrect or any new services that could be added to the list then please send details to loading email.... This is not a support service. Any requests for help must be directed to the relevant service provider.